The Usual Suspects? .... anyone recognise this line up of handsome young men at the Revenues Forum in Highland back in the early 80's??!!
(in fact can anyone narrow down the date more specifically?!)

Alex McLean Strathclyde
Gordon Paterson Tayside
Bill Gourlay Grampian
Les Clift Grampian
Karl Chapman SSHA
Tom Irvine Accounts Commission – Chairman
Brian Jeffrey Falkirk District
Roy Paterson Dumfries & Galloway
Jim Littlejohn Falkirk District
Frank Simmers Tayside
Alastair Campbell Strathclyde
Allan Traynor Fife
Willie Sinclair Highland
Sandy Brown Borders
Ron Skinner Central
Gordon Paterson Tayside
Bill Gourlay Grampian
Les Clift Grampian
Karl Chapman SSHA
Tom Irvine Accounts Commission – Chairman
Brian Jeffrey Falkirk District
Roy Paterson Dumfries & Galloway
Jim Littlejohn Falkirk District
Frank Simmers Tayside
Alastair Campbell Strathclyde
Allan Traynor Fife
Willie Sinclair Highland
Sandy Brown Borders
Ron Skinner Central
(Any help in filling in the missing names would be appreciated.)