Monday, 30 June 1986

Revenues Forum 1986, YES that is 1986!!!

Thanks to Ron Skinner for digging in his archives - excellent picture!

Attached is a picture from the Revenues Forum Meeting in Central in 1986 - a fine looking bunch discussing the response to the Green Paper on Local Government Finance!!
Think there may just be a few familiar faces if you look very closely.....

Gordon Paterson - Tayside,
Lesley Hodge - Fife,
Allan Traynor - Fife,

Bill Gourlay - Grampian,
Les Clift - Grampian,

John Risk - Central,
Ron Skinner - Central,

Eric Geddes (President) - Central,
Roy Paterson – Dumfries & Galloway,

Alex Stein - Lothian,
Ian Hunter- Lothian,

Alastair Campbell - Strathclyde,
Sandy Brown – Scottish Borders,

Frank Simmers - Tayside.