Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Scottish Conference 2009 - Golf
The traditional pre conference golf competition once again took place in 2009, sponsored by Civica OPEN Revenues, with some talented golfers (and some less talented but very enthusiastic!) making their way round 18 holes of Crieff Golf Club.
The weather was glorious for approximately 3/4 of the way round, however all of the groups were hit by the torrential downpour around the 14th to 18th holes. Spirits remained high nonetheless and all groups completed the course - the only slight disappointment of the heavy rain being the fact that Jacek Nowak's wonderful "polish tartan" trousers were unfortunately covered up by waterproofs for the last few holes!!!
Fergus Walker of Argyl and Bute Council was the worthy winner and was presented with the impressive silverware at the Gala Dinner at Conference.
For more golf photos, please click on the title link above this article.