As many of you will know, this event is traditionally held in early December each year, however the severe wintery weather in December 2010 unfortunately forced these plans to be changed and the conference was rescheduled for March 2011. As you can see from the picture below, despite moving three months closer to summer (OK, granted I am referring to scottish summer!), the weather hadn't really improved significantly!!!

Scottish Benefits conference is sad to bid farewell to Paul Howarth of DWP who has been a great supporter of the event for a number of years and whose frank and honest presentations have always been particularly welcomed by delegates. Paul is leaving DWP later this year, so his attendance at benefits conference was to be his last in this capacity. His annual "quiz" will be greatly missed too I'm sure! Paul is pictured below (far right) with Scottish Association President Jim McCafferty (far left) and National President Kerry Macdermott. We wish Paul all the very best in his future pursuits.