Friday, 26 November 2010

Scottish Association Forum and karaoke

IRRV Scottish Association members once again headed to Dumfries in November 2010 for the Revenues and Benefits forum, followed by an evening of Chinese buffet and questionable karaoke talent.
In true time honoured tradition, there was the usual wrestle with the chinese TV and karaoke discs, in an attempt to get the system up and running (are we the ONLY people who ever use it?) before we broke with tradition and headed for a proper karaoke bar in town - why have we never explored that before...?
Pictured below are Scottish President Brian Jeffrey and National President Kerry Macdermott belting out very enthusiastic rendition of Daydream Believer....!!
Dumfries was suitably impressed I'm sure....

Friday, 25 June 2010

IRRV Forum presentation

Friends and colleagues wished Jim Littlejohn of Falkirk Council all the very best on his retirement, after a long standing contribution to the Revenues and Benefits Forum in Scotland. Jim was also a former Secretary to the then Scottish Branch of IRRV.

He is pictured below receiving a presentation from Scottish Association President Brian Jeffrey at a forum meeting.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Scottish Association AGM 2010

The IRRV Scottish Association’s Annual General Meeting for 2010 took place on Thursday 25th February 2010 at the Municipal Chambers, Falkirk and included a complimentary half day seminar and lunch.
As well as the formal AGM business, attendees enjoyed informative presentations on:
* Corporate Visiting System – a presentation by Dundee City Council, winner of the IRRV Scottish Performance Award in 2009.
* IRRV Committee of Inquiry into local taxation in Scotland.
* Debt in Scotland - an overview of the debt issue in Scotland, following the 2009 Citizen Advice Scotland report “Drowning in Debt.”
Scottish students achieving success in the December 2009 examination session were also presented with their certificates by Scottish Association President, Brian Jeffrey (below). Congratulations to all.