Immediately following the very enjoyable evening at the Scottish President's Christmas Reception in the Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh, a few brave and hardy souls were persuaded that it would be a good idea to try out the big wheel, "chair-o-planes" and other attractions in Princes Street Gardens. It was sooooo coooooold!!!
Guess who's great idea it was.....? First picture gives a BIG clue: Trying to phone for a taxi when you're that high up just isn't going to work Rob!Putting a brave face on.....
Apologies for the poor quality pictures - you can blame either the mobile phone camera, or the high altitude!
Certificates were presented to successful students at the Scottish Conference 2007, by National President Allan Traynor and Scottish President, Hillary Kelly
Please click on the title link to view slideshow of individual photos.
The Revenues and Benefits Forum said thank you and goodbye to Ian Guthrie of Scottish Borders Council and wished him well in his retirement on 30 March 2007.
Forum Chair Allan Traynor presented Ian with a gift to thank him for his contribution over the years.
Pictured here is newly appointed Scottish Association President Hillary Kelly with National President Allan Traynor, Past Scottish President Ian Ballance and the rest of the Scottish Association Executive.
Also pictured are the successful IRRV students who received certificates at the 2007 AGM.
This is the blog of the IRRV Scottish Association. The IRRV is the professional body for all professionals working in revenues, benefits and valuation in the UK and the Scottish Association represents the membership in Scotland.