Saturday, 18 November 2006

TEGOVA International Conference 2006, Edinburgh

TEGOVA (The European Group of Valuers Association) held it's international conference in Edinburgh in 2006, with delegates from all over Europe attending.
The Scottish Association Executive hosted a number of events during the week including a ceilidh, which our international visitors enjoyed immensely, joining in with Scottish dancing with great enthusiasm and gusto.
Attendees were asked to wear something tartan for the evening and a prize was awarded for the best tartan effort. Here's the judges making their way along the line up:

Friday, 13 October 2006

National Conference 2006

Scottish people are well known for enjoying a good time and Scottish delegates at national IRRV events certainly demonstrate this well.
Here, John Cunningham from East Lothian Council leads a good old sing song as he shows off his incredible musical talent on the pia-pia-piano... shame the hotel staff didn't enjoy it quite so much and when a large crowd gathered and joined in the singing, they asked us politely to move along!! ... OK, so it WAS about 2am after the Performance Awards!

Tuesday, 5 September 2006

Scottish Conference 2006 - the Hen Do!

National President Suzanne Jones proved to be a great sport by really getting into the spirit of things for her Scottish Hen Night at Crieff in 2006. As if her presidential year wasn't enough excitement for one year, she was getting married a few days after Scottish Conference!!