A few photos from the karaoke chinese outing in 2004. National President John Roberts looks on hopefully and waits patiently for his turn to come, as Allan Traynor hogs the microphone.... John decides to cut his losses and join in .... as the saying goes, "if you can't beat them, join them" ... after all, there's only a couple of them.... OK, so where did all these people come from...?
The Scottish Association golf competition was again sponsored by IBS in 2004. Here's a few photos from the day.
The worthy winner is presented with his prize at the dinner:Runner up again then Bob?..... Golfing is thirsty work.....The ladies eventually finish..... and it's still daylight....!!!
This is the blog of the IRRV Scottish Association. The IRRV is the professional body for all professionals working in revenues, benefits and valuation in the UK and the Scottish Association represents the membership in Scotland.